Not only do dead animals leave a horrible smell in your home, but decayed animal bodies can also lead to other problems like insect infestations, health hazards, and diseases. Our experienced professionals will remove the carcass from your attic, and purify your attic with special deodorizers and neutralizers. Call Critter Control of Southern Maine today for more information, and let us do all the work for you!

Where in my house are the dead animals?

Wild animals can die in the most inconspicuous places in your home, leaving their body hard to find afterwards. You may sometimes not even know an animal died in your home. You may also come across evidence of a dead animal in the wall or your chimney.

Common areas you may find squirrels, bats, rodents, and raccoons include:

  • Attics
  • Walls
  • Crawlspaces
  • Outdoor areas like yards and beneath porches

The easiest way to find a dead animal in your home is usually to follow your nose. If you need help removing the animal, especially if it's in a hard-to-reach area such as behind drywall or in your crawlspace, contact Critter Control of Southern Maine. 

What should I do if I find a dead animal in my house?

Not only do you need to know how to remove a dead animal from your attic, but you need to rid the area of the odor after carcass removal. Many times, the odor from a dead animal is stronger than what a regular household cleaner can clean. Critter Control of Southern Maine has the professional tools and experience to properly conduct dead animal disposal and their odor from your home. 

Common animals that die in Southern Maine homes include: 

How do I know if an animal has died in my Southern Maine home?

Your first clue that an animal has died in your Southern Maine home will likely be the odor. Once an animal has died, the body starts to decay. As the carcass decays, the odor gets stronger. To find the source of the odor, follow your nose. You will probably find the stench is strongest in a vent or at a pinpoint spot on a wall. This means the animal has died in either your vent or inside the wall. The stench will grow stronger until the body completely decays. Luckily, the experts at Critter Control of Southern Maine can find the dead animal quickly, remove it, and deodorize the space, all with minimal damage. If we need to cut into the drywall, we will repair the space as well. 

The easiest way to get dead animals out of your home is to prevent them from coming in in the first place. Contact Critter Control of Southern Maine today for your professional dead animal removal and prevention plan!