Critter Control of Southern Maine offers a wide range of animal prevention products and services. After the removal of unwanted animals, we repair damage and implement state-of-the-art prevention techniques. Screening vents, installing chimney caps/screens, and closing entry holes all reduce the opportunity for future conflicts with other unwanted nuisance animals. Contact us here for more information.Chimney cap installation in Southern Maine

Chimney Vents and Screens

Your chimney is a hot spot for an entry point to your home for neighborhood critters. Animals like raccoons, bats, and birds love to use your chimney as a gateway to your home. One of the best ways to prevent animals from getting in through your chimney is to install chimney caps and screen for your chimney.

Not only do they keep animals out, but they keep excess moisture from entering your home, as well. Call the professional chimney cap installers on our team to keep your chimney properly vented while preventing animals from using it to get into your home. 

What animals make themselves at home in your chimney?

If you don’t have the proper chimney cap or screens, there are some animals that will take full advantage of this. Birds, raccoons, and bats are the most popular culprits.

  • Birds will make nests in your chimney which can make quite a mess.
  • Raccoons will have their babies in your chimney, and unfortunately, you may not realize it until you light the first fire of the season in your fireplace.
  • Bats like to use your chimney as their nest because it’s warm and dry, dark, and isolated, making it the perfect place for them.

How do you keep animals out of your chimney?

The best way to keep animals out of your Southern Maine chimney is to have Critter Control of Southern Maine evaluate your chimney for any damage to the vent, screens, brick, or mortar.

Call us today for a consultation! 207.405.2606