5 Easy Steps to Keep Squirrels Away From Your Home - Critter Control's Ultimate Guide

These small rodents may look cute and furry when they are scurrying around the park, but it’s a different story when you find them inside your home or ruining your garden. Squirrels are no stranger to Southern Maine residents. These nuisance creatures are known to stir up trouble in Southern Maine homes if not kept out. There are different types of squirrels commonly found in Southern Maine and each species may require different methods to keep them out. First read about our guide for keeping red and gray squirrels out and then read our guide about keeping flying squirrels out. 

Here are 5 ways you can keep squirrels away from your home. 


1. Seal up all possible entry points.

Squirrels can enter your home through small gaps and holes. It is important to make sure all gaps, holes, foundation cracks, attic vents, and chimney grills are sealed to keep squirrels out. It is important to regularly check around your home for gaps or holes. You may not even know there’s a hole in your home until it’s too late. 


2. Trim tree branches.

Squirrels often use tree branches as a pathway to your home. Trimming branches that are close to your home and roof will make it difficult for squirrels to get into your home. 


3. Limit access to food & water sources.

Squirrels have a great sense of smell and often look to your home for free food. A good way to keep squirrels away from your home is to get rid of or limit their access to food. Never leave food out and invest in a squirrel-proof trash can. Squirrels may begin to be repeat visitors if they have access to a consistent water supply, like a bird bath or dripping faucet. Replacing or fixing leaky faucets and positioning bird baths in strategic places are a few ways to limit these resources and repeat visits from these pesky creatures. 


4. Install squirrel-proof birdfeeders.

As we mentioned above, squirrels love free food, and they love bird seeds. A squirrel will do just about anything to get to the food in a bird feeder. You have probably seen one yourself or a funny video of one trying to spiderman its way into getting the seeds out of the birdfeeder. If you enjoy looking and feeding birds, make sure to invest in a squirrel-proof birdfeeder to keep squirrels away from your home. 


5. Call in the professionals.

While these methods may work for a little while, the best way to keep squirrels away for good is to call the experts at Critter Control of Southern Maine. Squirrels may be small creatures, but they can still be dangerous if threatened, and you never want to risk contracting disease. Our technicians are trained in squirrel removal and prevention. We want to help protect your home, yard, garden, and dogs’ sanity while safely getting rid of wildlife in a humane manner. If you are having problems with squirrels on your Southern Maine property, call 207.405.2606 and schedule a home inspection today! 

Another type of squirrel commonly found in Southern Maine is Flying Squirrels. Follow our guide on getting rid of Flying Squirrels



5 Easy Steps to Get Rid of Flying Squirrels - Critter Control's Ultimate Guide

Flying squirrels are no stranger to Southern Maine residents. These nuisance rodents are known for creating holes in walls and soiling insulation in attics and homes with their feces and urine. There are many myths and facts surrounding flying squirrels, but one thing that is for sure is that you don’t want these creatures in your Southern Maine home. 

If flying squirrels are stirring up trouble in your Southern Maine home or yard, here are some steps you can take to get rid of them. 


1. Identify the Entry Points

Determine where and how flying squirrels are gaining access to your yard or home. Look for openings, gaps, and holes in your home’s exterior, such as cracks in the walls, foundation, holes in the roof, or gaps around windows and doors. 

2. Seal Entry Points

Once you’ve identified the entry points, seal them off to prevent any future flying squirrels from gaining access. You can use materials like caulk, wire mesh, or steel wool to close any openings. 

3. Remove Food & Water Sources

There is a reason that the flying squirrel(s) chose your yard and normally it’s easy access to food or water. Take steps to minimize the food around your home and yard. Clean up fallen fruits or nuts from trees, place fences around gardens and vegetation, and consider using squirrel-proof containers for pet food, bird seed, and garbage cans. Flying squirrels also need easily accessible water sources to survive. Consider removing bird baths, leaky faucets or hoses, and other water sources from the reach of flying squirrels. 

4. Maintain Your Yard & Property

Flying squirrels are agile climbers and can use overhanging tree branches to gain access to your home. Trim tree branches that are close to your house to eliminate potential access points. Maintaining your yard by mowing the grass and eliminating garbage or clutter can also deter flying squirrels from entering your yard. 

5. Call the Professionals at Critter Control of Southern Maine

Flying squirrels are difficult animals to handle, the best way to keep them away for good is to call in the experts. Flying squirrels may be small, furry, and cure rodents, but they can still be dangerous if threatened and you never want to put yourself in a position to be at risk for contracting a disease. Our technicians have years of experience in squirrel removal and prevention. We want to help protect your home, yard, and garden while removing flying squirrels in a humane manner.  If you are having problems with flying squirrels on your Southern Maine property, call 207.405.2606 and schedule a home inspection today!