Birds can be a beautiful sight, especially in the scenic Southern Maine region. However, when certain species like sparrows, pigeons, and seagulls become a nuisance, they can cause a myriad of problems for residents and businesses alike. Critter Control of Southern Maine is here to help you understand the issues these birds can create and offer effective solutions for their safe and humane removal.


1. Property Damage

Birds can cause considerable damage to your property. Pigeons, for example, are notorious for their acidic droppings, which can wear away at paint, roofing materials, and even metal over time. Seagulls are known to peck at roofing or siding in search of insects, causing further structural damage. Sparrows, on the other hand, can build nests in gutters, vents, or other small openings, obstructing water flow and potentially leading to water damage.

2. Health Hazards

Bird droppings not only cause property damage but can also pose serious health risks. They can harbor bacteria, fungi, and parasites, which can lead to diseases like histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and psittacosis. Additionally, bird nests can be breeding grounds for insects like mites, ticks, and fleas, which may find their way into your home or business.


3. Safety Concerns

Birds can create safety hazards, especially when they gather in large numbers around public spaces or commercial areas. Pigeons and seagulls, in particular, can become aggressive when seeking food, and their droppings can create slippery surfaces, posing a risk for slips and falls. Moreover, large flocks of birds can obstruct visibility for drivers and pedestrians, leading to potential accidents.


4. Noise Pollution

While some bird songs may be pleasant, the constant noise created by large groups of sparrows, pigeons, or seagulls can be disruptive and annoying. This noise pollution can be especially bothersome for businesses trying to maintain a professional atmosphere or for residents who value peace and quiet.


5. Negative Impact on Local Ecosystem

Invasive bird species, such as sparrows, can outcompete native bird species for resources like food, shelter, and nesting sites. This competition can lead to a decline in native bird populations and disrupt the delicate balance of the local ecosystem.


How Critter Control of Southern Maine Can Help:

Critter Control of Southern Maine offers a comprehensive range of services to help you manage and resolve bird-related problems. Our experienced team uses humane and environmentally-friendly methods to remove birds from your property, clean and sanitize affected areas, and implement preventative measures to keep them from returning.

Some of our services include:

  • Bird netting and exclusion devices: These prevent birds from accessing your property and nesting in unwanted areas.
  • Bird spikes and deterrents: These discourage birds from landing or roosting on your building's ledges, window sills, and other surfaces.
  • Live trapping and relocation: Our trained professionals use humane methods to capture and safely relocate birds, ensuring minimal stress and harm to the animals.
  • Nest and debris removal: We carefully remove nests, eggs, and other debris to prevent future infestations and reduce the risk of disease transmission.
  • Sanitization and cleanup: Our team thoroughly cleans and sanitizes areas affected by bird droppings and debris to reduce health risks and restore your property's appearance.
  • Customized bird control solutions: We assess your specific situation and develop a tailored plan to address your unique bird-related concerns.


Problems with birds like sparrows, pigeons, and seagulls can be frustrating and damaging, but Critter Control of Southern Maine is here to help. Our professional and humane services ensure that your property remains safe, clean, and bird-free. Contact us today to discuss your bird control needs and let us help you find the perfect solution.