Spring can be the most challenging time of year when it comes to keeping your home critter-free.  Many animals are searching for new nesting sites and hidey holes after the winter chill, and your home, attic, or crawl space may be just the place they're looking for. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent these problems before they happen. Exclusion is the easiest part of pest control, so here is a simple guide to keeping your property wildlife-free during the spring.

Inspect Your Property

Exterior Inspection:

  • Conduct a thorough inspection of your property's exterior, paying attention to potential entry points for wildlife and pests. Check for gaps in siding, loose roof shingles, and openings around doors and windows that could provide access.

Identify Pest Hotspots:

  • Look for areas where pests are likely to gather, such as woodpiles, garbage cans, and outdoor storage sheds. Addressing these hotspots early can help prevent infestations before they occur.

Seal Entry Points

Seal Cracks and Gaps:

  • Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and utility penetrations. This simple step can prevent rodents, insects, and other pests from entering your home.

Install Vent Screens:

  • Install mesh screens over attic and crawl space vents to prevent wildlife from entering these areas. Ensure that vents are secure and intact to deter animals seeking shelter.

Remove Attractants

Clean Up Outdoor Spaces:

  • Remove debris, clutter, and standing water from your yard, as these can attract pests like mosquitoes, ants, and rodents. Keep garbage cans tightly sealed and away from the house to minimize food sources for wildlife.

Trim Vegetation:

  • Trim back bushes, trees, and shrubs that are in contact with your home, as they can serve as bridges for pests to access your property. Maintain a clear perimeter to deter wildlife from nesting near your house.

Keep Indoor Spaces Tidy:

  • Avoid leaving out loose food. Ants are quite difficult to exclude due to their small size, and are good at finding open food sources to return to their colonies. Additionally, excess detritus provides homes for all sorts of other little critters if neglected for too long.

Schedule Professional Inspection

Professional Wildlife Inspection:

Pest Control Treatment:

  • Arrange for a spring pest control treatment to address common pests like ants, spiders, and termites before they become a problem. Our eco-friendly pest control methods target pests while minimizing environmental impact.

Practice Prevention Year-Round

Regular Maintenance:

  • Keep up with routine home maintenance tasks throughout the year to minimize opportunities for pests to gain access. Regularly inspect your home's exterior and address any issues promptly to prevent pest infestations.

Monitor Wildlife Activity:

  • Stay vigilant for signs of wildlife activity around your property, such as droppings, tracks, or damage to landscaping. Early detection can help you take proactive measures to deter animals before they become a nuisance.